Benefits of a mobile concrete plant

If you are running a construction business and are looking to increase your flexibility and efficiency, you should consider investing in a mobile concrete plant. This piece of machinery allows you to have your own concrete plant on site. The mobile concrete plant has a small and compact design and it is usually mounted on a portable platform making it easy to move and transport. Manually producing concrete or sourcing it from a supplier has its fair share of disadvantages. The mobile concrete plant has helped to revolutionize the construction industry. With this type of plant, you will be able to quickly produce volumes of high-quality concrete(planta de hormigon movil) when and where you need it.

In case you are thinking about investing in one of these machines, here are some of the benefits to expect.

Portable Concrete Plant
Portable Concrete Plant

Increased Flexibility

The portability aspect of the mobile concrete plant from AIMIX Group(AIMIX Grupo) is what makes it a favorite among project managers. You can transport this plant to the sites even located in regions with poor road networks and areas where it can be difficult or impossible to set up a large stationary plant. With increased flexibility comes increased business.

Quick Installation Time

Unlike the large fully-fledged stationary concrete plants, the mobile concrete plant doesn’t require a complex installation process. It comes fitted on portable platforms and there is less need for a solid concrete foundation as opposed to the larger plants. This means that work can begin within a short period of time, which means that you get to save more time and increase the speed of construction.

High Level of Efficiency and Reliability

While the mobile concrete batching plant(planta dosificadora de concreto portatil) has a smaller capacity compared to the stationary plant, it offers the same level of performance and reliability as the larger versions. If you are handling a small-scale to medium-scale construction project, the mobile concrete batching plant will be able to sufficiently meet your concrete production needs ensuring that you don’t sacrifice anything by going for the smaller version.

A Wide Range of Application

Thanks to the smaller and compact design of the mobile concrete plant, it can be set up in a wide variety of construction sites. It occupies less space compared to the larger versions making it a perfect fit for different spaces.


The portable version of the concrete batching plant is generally cheaper than the stationary version thanks to its smaller size and production capacity. If you are on a low budget or are just starting up, this type of plant will offer the perfect solution. However, its price will vary depending on its production capacity. The portable concrete batching plant typically has a production capacity ranging from 25m³/h and 75m³/h. This is sufficient to meet the requirements of small to medium-scale construction projects.

These are just but some of the many benefits of the concrete batching plant. So, if you’ve decided that you want to invest in a portable concrete batching plant, you need to ensure that you find a quality pkant from a reliable manufacturer. You need to do some proper research online and also seek recommendations to ensure that you find the best one.

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