The Benefits Of Owning A Concrete Pump Truck In Vietnam

The latest technological innovations have favorably contributed towards decreasing manual labor, managing to revolutionize several industries, particularly within the construction sector. With the latest advancements of the concrete truck, tasks such as cement-mixing are now far less time-consuming. These innovations have basically done away with the need to hand-mix concrete, as these trucks come with a concrete mixer attached to the chassis.

These concrete pump trucks in Vietnam are used to transport and mix large batches of concrete, which means they provide a host of benefits, especially when it comes to saving money. Suited especially for larger-capacity applications, the concrete trucks are cost-effective, offer better flexibility, along with improving customer satisfaction which can impact your business in an extremely positive way.

21m concrete line pump truck
21m concrete line pump truck

Before you purchase a concrete truck in Vietnam, here is a list of some of the benefits you can expect:

– Save On Labor

Concrete pump trucks are mainly used on large construction sites and there is a very good reason why. Perhaps the top economic benefit that these vehicles provide has to do with positioning the concrete a lot closer to your desired location along with accurately pouring out the concrete. In comparison to truck dumping, when you invest in a concrete truck with a pump you can potentially save around 50% on labor costs.

For example, if you require 2 hours and 5 workers to complete a job, then you can complete the same job in 1 hour with 3 workers when you use a Vietnam concrete pump. This enables you to wisely deploy labor resources and allows you to complete more jobs or tasks in a day.

34m concrete pump truck
34m concrete pump truck

– Increase Your Daily Production

Since you are able to deploy your labor resources more effectively and you can complete more tasks in one day, a concrete pump truck can increase your average daily production. Concrete that these vehicles produce is placed a lot more efficiently, and the time to unload is also dramatically reduced no matter the weather, time-of-day, or the condition of the job sites you are working on.

When investing in a concrete truck and a pump you can say goodbye to delays or interruptions. Since most of these vehicles come with extended pumps, you can complete concrete applications from one location.

– Very Efficient And Simple Back-Filling

Back-filling with a concrete pump truck is very efficient and simple. Your job sites will be less congested and safer, which means you can expect an increase in overall efficiency. Since you will be pouring the concrete directly, you can do away with re-handling or the need for special mixes in order to improve the quality of the concrete. At the same time, you won’t have to worry about having to deal with excess water. When compared to a concrete truck without a pump, these trucks offer greater capacity, which exceeds 150-cubic yards per-hour. For this reason, investing in a concrete pump in Vietnam will increase your productivity, regardless of the type of construction sites you decide to work on.